The benefits of personal monitoring are to demonstrate that the control measures being deployed by the employer are working and that employees exposure is kept as low as is reasonably practicable. CAR 2012 Regulation 19 states ‘Personal sampling/air monitoring is required for a representative range of jobs and work methods to protect the health of employees. It should be done at regular intervals and when there is a change which may affect exposure’

Personal Air Sampling is carried out to:
- Establish that the control Limit is not liable to be exceeded
- Check the effectiveness of control measure to ensure exposure is reduced as far as low as reasonably practicable for workers
- Select or confirm that the RPE in use is capable of providing the appropriate degree of protection
- Ascertain whether the exposure is sporadic and low intensity and the short term limit will not be exceeded
- Provide medical surveillance records
- Support current and future risk assessments
On completion of each personal air sample a certificate will be issued including the following information:
- Individuals name and job title
- Actual work activities carried out
- General work activity in the area
- Asbestos product being removed
- Factors which may effect results
- Types of asbestos to be involved
- Removal Method
- Dust suppression techniques
- Opinion of control measures
- Photo of work area